It is the day of the sun. Today, I went to the temple with my family. It was the fourth hour after the sun has risen. It is silent; the clouds are shining. We take the Tree Road as the route to the temple. During the passage, we pass by another temple that laid in a village, we passed by my family's restaurant which serves food from the Middle Kingdom, we passed by my grandparents' house, and we also passed by this shop on a field. It sells different house plants such as orchids, bushes, bonsai, etc. We finally reached the temple and there were many people. This is rare because there were usually only a few people at this temple every Sunday morning. We enter inside and my family went on the second floor while I went on the third. To my surprise, there was a celebration within the interior of the temple. It was of a child which I do not know. I noticed that there have been additional people who were apart from the people I usually know in the temple.
Inside holy grounds
The people come to gather
-the teachings of God
After our time at the temple, we head to a village where our restaurant went to by means of carts to sell food for the celebration of a religion tomorrow. As we ended our visit, we head to a shopping district where we sometimes spend our time after the temple visit, rather than going down South. It is high noon and the sun seems to cook the earth and I presumed it will rain later on. As we enter the shopping district, we went for lunch. We ate at a sushi restaurant where I ordered Tendon and Ryumaki(what I call Dragon rolls). We were first served miso. I observed the restaurant and saw the tied bamboo sticks with flower designs on the wall. The ceiling of the counter table was designed with black pieces of wood. As I took a sip of my miso, I felt the great serenity that it brings me. This made me notice the lanterns in the ceiling. As I was served Ryumaki and Tendon, I enjoyed them so well that I forcefully finished my Tendon and felt very stuffed.
Sitting on table
I am offered Heaven's food
-I cannot handle
After eating, we head to the supply store where I purchased two paint brushes, red and black ink, and coloured paper for my paint work. Then, we stopped by another shop to buy some cosmetics. Unfortunately, on of my paint brushes were lost. We then proceeded to buy some dessert and went home. As we were heading home, it started to rain just like I presumed. The weather this Rain Month is quite extreme. It was just really hot lately but now the Tree Road is silvery wet. It was a very cold and windy rain. As we enter our village, the bushes and grasses were dripping wet in the strong rain and the road was slippery wet. We finally reached our house which was quite blurred in the rain. Now is the time to relax and just listen to the rain.